
Seminars in Nukus and Muynak for women entrepreneurs in the field of green technologies


07 Oct 2021

The project "Acceleration of the development of women's green technology startups in Uzbekistan", carried out by the NGO Tech4Impact with the support of the United Nations Democracy Fund, held seminars for women entrepreneurs in Nukus and Muynak on October 2-3.

Trainings were held for participants in the startup accelerator of women's business projects in Karakalpakstan. The trainings were attended by women entrepreneurs selected to participate in the 6-month business development program, as well as startup mentors from Nukus, who completed online trainings on mentoring methodology.

During the seminar, topics such as:

  • customer research (Customer Development), market research, competitor research, target audience surveys;
  • MVP (minimum working version of products, how to create prototypes for testing with clients);
  • innovations in tourism, agriculture, water purification, waste processing;
  • individual and group mentoring sessions with participants.

Invited trainers also participated in the seminars:

  • Ozoda Ismailova, Environmental Manager, UzAuto Motors Powertrain;
  • Nora Rakhimova - more than 27 years of experience in marketing, tourism, logistics, startup mentor;
  • Akmal Salikhov, founder and creative director of VRonica, startup mentor

The participants of the seminars shared their plans for the development of their projects, and received comments from mentors on further work. 15 projects were selected for the accelerator. These are start-ups in the field of tourism, agriculture, water issues, from Muynak and Nukus. All projects must have an environmental component (minimizing the impact of business on the environment, minimizing the cost of water, electricity and other resources, waste recycling, etc.).

We thank the Association for the Support of Children and Families (regional branch in the Republic of Karakalpakstan), the Agency for Youth Affairs of Karakalpakstan for their assistance in organizing seminars and meetings.

About the project: The project "Accelerate the development of women's green technology startups in Uzbekistan" is a 2-year project implemented by Tech4Impact with the support of the United Nations Democracy Fund. Within the framework of the project, it is planned to conduct an acceleration program for 20 start-up projects led by women from Nukus and Muynak over 2 years. The top 6 projects will receive an investment of $2,000.

October 2, Muynak:


October 3, Nukus: